I spend my whole life apologising, it is like I enjoy it and I was literally just about to write to you again with the first line apologising for not writing as often as I should but it would appear I have started most of my blog posts like that for the past few months. 

So............ I'm not sorry! 

I'm busy - hectic, mad, crazy, busy. I am not going to apologise for that as it is a good thing, I am busy because of positive things - My promotion at work, the wedding, I am waiting to become a Great-Aunt (my niece was due yesterday) my bet is on tomorrow though and there just seems to be an endless stream of social events, most of which I cant go to but the ones that I can get to I am enjoying immensely! 

The Barbeque is keeping us both busy as we seem to work on that from shopping on Thursday evenings, salad prep on Friday evenings and then the BBQ itself on Saturdays & Sundays. 
Unfortunately we are being messed around like mugs by a certain person at pub where BBQ is. We are truly not wanted and we get the picture, oh we definitely get the picture! 
For why I do not know. Minimal effort is being put in from that side and maximum effort on ours and yet they make decent money out of it for doing... well.... not a lot really..... Its not bread & butter (they have a whole very busy pub for that) but its a bit of jam on the top. I don't see the problem myself. 
Also the BBQ is not as lucrative as we were led to believe sadly, and whilst I am very grateful for the money we have had from it as it has paid deposits and other necessary things it is very sadly nowhere near enough for our wedding. We have a few more weekends left doing the BBQ if this wonderful summer holds out long enough for the Rewind Festival & the August Bank Holiday which should be decent weekends money wise but after that it will all quieten down a bit. 
For this reason I have booked myself in to do a hair extension course, it was something I only thought about when the lovely Tracy who did mine told me it was only a days intensive course and you can do it in Brighton. 
After speaking with the Man over the weekend we thought it worth the money and something that hopefully will bring in a bit of extra cash that I can do in the evenings and weekends, I don't plan to make a career out of yet but I am hoping that it will bring in some of the extra badly needed cash! So fingers crossed for me please! 
I am thinking of Lucy's Locks for a name - Any good? Suggestions welcome. 

Anyway on a lighter note, I spent some lovely time with family this weekend and I met one of the newest additions to our ever growing family - Mr Michael Murphy Junior and here he is. 

Just delicious! 
Anyway, until next time which wont be as long I hope as we now have a bongle & a big byte (more on that next time) I can do this from home instead of on my phone in my lunch breaks! 

Take care 

Diary of a Bride to Be!