After the initial excitement of the engagement we started to think about where we would like to get married.
I have always, always harboured a secret wish that if I was to get married I would love to do it in Cobh, County Cork, Ireland.

This is where my Maternal Grandmother and my Mother (both very sadly no longer with us) were born, along with various other family members along the way.

It is also somewhere that in recent years I have spent a lot of time. The family started making trips back to the homeland many years ago and it became an annual trip, not everyone goes every year but there is always a good crowd that either go during the 6 Nations Rugby or New Years Eve or any other family gathering that requires a bit of knees up; birthdays, anniversary's, new pair of shoes.... Yes we like to celebrate as a family but no one had held there wedding there as yet!

The Commodore Hotel is the place we stay. It is a beautiful old fashioned large hotel right on Cobh harbour, you can wake up some mornings to a tiny fishing boat or a massive cruise liner outside of your hotel bedroom window!

Cobh used to be known as Queenstown and it was the last port of call for the tragic Titanic back in 1912. (Actually thinking about it there are also a few other remembrance statues for other ships along the harbour & most of the pubs and bars are named for these tragic ships.... Hmmm) 
Harbour Front - Cobh, Ireland
Anyway I digress, My Man and I met here at the Commodore during one of these annual trips. We had met very briefly on several occassions over the past few years but we had never really sat down and chatted. When we met we were both with other people and nothing untoward happened during the trip. However when we got back and we had both become recently single we started meeting up either in his hometown or mine. One thing led to another and here we are planning a wedding....

Anyway, when I very quietly suggested that it would be lovely to get married there My Man willingly agreed and so I set the wheels in motion, contacting the manager of the Commodore to enquire whether we could indeed get married there and asking him to send me brochures, and anything else "weddingy" we may require. The Commodore fortunately were delighted to be asked and slotted us straight in practically on the date we wanted and brochures were dispatched.

Hearing about and seeing some of the prices of weddings here and abroad frightened us quite a lot. We both work hard and play hard but we don't have any savings between us. I was pleasantly surprised at what the Commodore offered and what seemed to be included and promptly booked a trip to the hotel for My Man & I in February 2013 to discuss wedding arrangements. 

This trip is happening in the next few weeks so watch this space... We may end up in Gretna Green yet!

Diary of a Bride to Be!